Wart Care

Wart Care: Dos and Don’ts Which You Must Know

Warts are grainy and have small skin growth. They look like small bumps. These warts can look extremely frustrating for most people. These warts are uncomfortable and painful. Are they contagious? Yes, they are contagious. Hence, it is very important to avoid touching them with your fingers. It is the human papillomavirus, which causes the common warts.

When your skin gets exposed to this virus, it might take around 2 to 6 months for the development of warts. In short, many people do not experience warts immediately after exposing their skin to this virus. Common warts do not cause any harm, and they go away on their own without any treatment. However, a lot of people decide to get rid of them because they feel so embarrassed to move in public with warts.

If you observed a on your fingers or anywhere else, contact the team of a good aesthetic center and they will help you out. Instead of waiting for things to get worse to take the treatment, taking the treatment at the initial stage helps you prevent things from getting worse. Remember, if things get worse, it would cost you more for the treatment.

Where to get the treatment done for warts?

There are some good treatments available nowadays for warts like C02 laser. Many people get this treatment in Hong Kong, due to the kind of equipment they use for the treatment. Hong Kong has many aesthetic centers, where you can find a solution for any type of skin problem.

Do not have any idea about the aesthetic centers in Hong Kong? Here is a quick suggestion for you. For 脫疣, choose the reputed aesthetic centers like Retens as they use the best equipment. It is the doctors who perform the CO2 laser at Retens.

Warts: Dos and Don’ts

  • Try to remove them. There are many self-care options accessible, however, a dermatologist visit could be required. You can prevent the spread of warts to others by taking the treatment immediately.
  • Keep the affected area on your skin clean. Otherwise, it can cause more problems like skin infections, etc.
  • If you have warts, do not try swimming in the public area as they can spread to others. Swimming can worsen your condition too. If you do not have warts and want to prevent them, make sure that you do not walk without wearing footwear in public areas.
  • If you have genital warts, it is better to avoid sex. You can use a condom to avoid the spread of warts, but there would be no guarantee for it.
  • Make sure that you do not rub or scratch on your warts.
  • Keep your warts covered always.

Is CO2 laser costly?

No. There are some good treatment centers that provide this treatment at a very reasonable price.

After taking the treatment, make sure that you wash your hands and foot daily after getting back to your home.

Contact a 脫疣醫生 for your treatment right away to get rid of your warts easily and quickly!