
Road To Recovery: Aftercare Of A Broken Ankle Surgery

A broken or fractured ankle can be an unbearably painful experience. You can fix it to normal again with the right treatment and aftercare. Of course, it will take time and patience, but you can surely fix your broken ankle (ข้อเท้าหัก, which is the term in Thai) completely. First of all, you will need medical assistance, and then the aftercare is also crucial because bones need time to recover.

Let’s discuss how you should take care of your foot or any other bone after surgery.

The Significance Of Aftercare: Why Is It Important?

When a bone is broken or fractured, either the ankle or any other bone, it is held in place through surgery, immobilization, or casting. The process of healing and returning to normal is a gradual process that the bones undergo. We have to understand bones are different from muscles. We cannot just stitch them together.

Hence, aftercare is quite crucial following surgery. It gives the bones time to heal and minimizes the risks of complications and re-injury.

Let’s check out the steps that include the aftercare of a broken bone surgery:

1. Post-Surgery Care

After the surgery, you will have surgical wounds, and the pain will also be fresh. At this time, you will receive a prescription, including medicines and instructions.

Medicines will help the wound and the ankle heal, and the instructions would be keeping the incision clean, eating food that does not interfere with the healing of the wound, etc.

Apart from these, the initial aftercare regimes will also include changing the bandage and checking for infections.

2. Immobilization And Weight-Bearing

Usually, after surgery, your ankle or any broken bone is immobilized by a cast or brace. It is done so the repair stays intact until the bones regain their state.

During the early stages of recovery, your surgeon will guide you on when and how much weight you should bear. These steps help in recovering and regaining the strength and mobility of the broken bone.

3. Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation

After surgery, you may be advised to visit a physiotherapist. They will assort exercises based on the condition of your ankle. These exercises will help you regain your ankle’s strength, mobility, and flexibility.

4. Pain Management

It is obvious to experience pain in the initial phase of recovery. Your surgeon will prescribe painkillers based on your physiology to ease the pain. They can also advise you to apply heat or cold compress, whichever suits your condition.

5. Nutrition

A balanced diet is crucial while you recover from your surgery. Make sure you include all the nutrients in your meals. Focus on taking calcium and vitamin D majorly as they help strengthen bones.

Make sure you drink enough water. Staying hydrated accelerates recovery.

Additional Advice For Better Recovery

  • Attend the follow-up appointments with your surgeon.
  • Complete your physiotherapy session.
  • If you have been given assistive devices like crutches, a wheelchair, etc, use them until asked to stop. It reduces the chances of re-injury and complications.
  • Have patience with your recovery. Bones take time to recover fully. Move, eat, rest, and stay positive. You will be all good again.


Recovery from any surgery requires patience and proper aftercare. A broken ankle is a bit more complicated as this point bears our body weight and helps us move. Follow your surgeon, take a proper diet, attend physiotherapy, and stay positive. You will soon be ready to kick off your life once again.