
Implant-Supported Dentures: Your Journey From Edentulous Space To Permanent Teeth Replacement 

Missing teeth can be distressing since they negatively impact mastication (chewing), and speech, in addition to poor aesthetics. There are several teeth replacement solutions, one such popular method is implant-supported dentures.  

NE Philly implant supported dentures are state-of-the-art prostheses that successfully replace missing teeth to restore your oral form, function, and aesthetics. 

An insight into implant-supported dentures

Implant-supported dentures are restorative prostheses that replace several missing teeth at once. Unlike conventional dentures, they are directly attached to your jawbone using dental implants, instead of resting over your gums. 

Dental implants are artificial devices that are surgically inserted into your jawbone that mimic your missing tooth roots. These screw-like posts stimulate your jawbone, thereby preventing its resorption. Implants offer excellent support and anchorage for permanent restorations like crowns, bridges, and dentures. 

Types of implant-supported dentures

There are two types of implant-supported dentures, namely:

  • Removable implant-supported dentures

These snap onto the dental implant and can be removed whenever required.

  • Fixed implant-supported dentures

These dentures are permanently fixed to your jawbone and cannot be removed. 

Being an ideal candidate for implant-supported dentures

Your dentist may recommend implant-supported dentures if you are missing most or all of your teeth. Your dentist will recommend implant-supported dentures only if you meet certain prerequisites. 

You must: 

  • Have sufficient bone density and volume 
  • Have healthy gums 
  • Be an adult with a fully developed jawbone 
  • Be patient, and willing to undergo a tedious process that may be time-consuming, and costly

If you do not have sufficient bone thickness, your dentist may recommend bone grafting initially before getting an implant-supported denture.

The procedure involved in implant-supported dentures

For an implant-supported denture, your dentist will: 

  • Extract any remaining tooth remnants near the edentulous space. 
  • Make an incision (cut) on the gums, to raise a flap that helps expose your jawbone. 
  • Drill a tiny hole in the bone, and insert the implant post. It usually takes 4 to 6 months for the implant to fuse with the bone. Meanwhile, you will be provided with healing dentures. 
  • Record oral impressions of your arches, and send them to the lab for crafting your new dentures. 
  • Attach the customized dentures to your implants once the bone heals.

Bottom line 

Tooth loss can negatively impact your self-esteem and quality of life due to compromised functionality, and poor aesthetics. But thanks to implant-supported dentures, you can restore your oral form, function, and aesthetics for a long-lasting, beautiful smile.