
Effects and Benefits of Taking Lovegra 100mg Tablets in Women 

Just like men, women also need a boost to their sexual life to have the greatest pleasure whenever they are into sexual activities. Studies have proven that sexual desire in women cannot be triggered as quickly as in men because the activating factors of sexual desire in them require work. Hence, women also prefer taking some help from supplements like sildenafil. 

The triggering factor for arousal in women requires extra work. The best way of getting the expected response from your female partner is with the help of some supplements such as sildenafil. You can learn more about it and how it works by visiting the official website of Ajantha Pharma Ltd.  

Help from the Supplements 

Men suffer from issues when it comes to their sexual arousal, and this condition is known as erectile dysfunction. In the same way, women also suffer from feeling aroused by sexual activities and might need extra help. It is when the supplements like sildenafil 100mg tablets are of great help. 

Women love it when their partner makes sure that they are fully aroused before intercourse because sexual pleasure cannot be attained without proper arousal. If women are not appropriately triggered during foreplay, then the sexual act can become a painful or forced one for them. Hence, your female partner must be fully aroused before you plan to show the pleasures of the sexual act. 

The proper way of arousing women Is through the best foreplay. Some women wish to have memorable and mind-blowing sex with their partner and hence prefer taking some supplements that can help them boost their body towards the building up of the desire. One such solution is the 100mg tablets of Lovegra.


The sildenafil tablets are Viagra that work perfectly on women. This supplement works on triggering the phosphodiesterase inhibitors that are required for a healthy flow of blood to the female genitals. The supply of all the nutrients needed through oxygenated blood can trigger healthy arousal in women during sexual acts. 

A sildenafil tablet can work wonders when taken on an empty stomach or after a meal. If you are unsure how the dosage works, you can get help from your physician. The best dosage of this tablet is either 30 minutes or an hour before the sexual activities to experience the best results. 

The sildenafil 100 mg tablets can do wonders in the sexual life of women when taken as suggested by the physician. The essential factor to understand here is that this tablet can do wonders only when taken once every 24 hours. Overdosing or forcing your body to work extra with the supply of more than one tablet can lead to some side effects such as:

  • Hot flushes 
  • Headache 
  • Dizziness 
  • Blurring of the vision 
  • Rash 
  • Stomach upset 
  • Pain in muscles 

Pregnant women, nursing women, and women who are already on some medications for stroke or heart issues are strictly suggested not to take sildenafil supplements. The recommended dosage of this supplement is not more than 100mg and less than 25mg per day. Once taken, you can enjoy the sexual pleasure for 4 to 6 hours.