Foot & Ankle

Causes, Assessment, and Multimodal Treatment Approaches in Foot Therapy

In the bustling city of Tucson, you must make sure to understand that many residents over there forget to take care of their foot health, which will eventually lead to consequences and affect their quality of life. Hence, if you are residing in Tucson, Arizona, you must make sure that you, through a discussion with your health caretaker, understand the causes, assessment, and multimodal treatment for your foot therapy. Therefore, consider seeking consultation with an expert Tucson Podiatrist so that you can get the best treatment for your foot deficiencies.

Causes of foot problems:

  • Poor footwear choices

You must understand that poor footwear choices can affect your foot health. Footwear like high heels, lack of support footwear, and tight footwear can affect your foot and lead to certain issues like bunions and corns. 

  • Overuse and injury

Wearing footwear for a long duration or doing some shifting that can affect the footwear will lead to certain problems like strains, sprains, shoe bites, and swellings. Therefore, consider avoiding high-impact activities that can be overexerting for your footwear.

  • Structural issues and medical conditions

If you have structural abnormalities like flat feet or high arches, it can affect the mobility of your foot. Likewise, you must apprehend that many medical disorders like diabetes can lead to foot diseases like ulcers and inflammations.


  • Physical examination

The most common appraisal for your foot health is to go through a physical inspection. In a physical examination, your podiatrist will make sure to review your foot and let you know about any condition witnessed in the process. This can be a premature intervention so that you may know if you have any foot ailments like foot deformities or inflammation.

  • Diagnostic tests

You can also go via diagnosis tests like X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasound scans. These tests will make sure to manage your foot health accurately and will let your podiatrist witness any ruptures or soft tissue injuries.

Multimodal treatment:

  • Physical therapies

Physical therapies will make sure to address all your contract muscles and tissues. Certain physical therapies like stretching and muscle exercises will help you maintain your foot health and avoid any soft tissue damage. In addition, it will also improve your flexibility and strength.

  • Footwear modifications

As mentioned above, inadequate footwear can affect the form of your foot and lead to corns and bunions. Thus, you must make sure that you use supportive footwear that is relaxing for your foot.

  • Medications and footcare

You can also take some prescribed medications that mostly deal with foot strains and inflammations. In addition, you must make sure that you take proper care of your feet by clipping your nails, maintaining proper hygiene, and moisturizing. 

Therefore, you must make sure that you take proper foot care, and if you think that you are not pleased with the treatment, consider seeking help from your podiatrist.