
What to Do When Dental Emergencies Happen During Vacation?

Vacations are supposed to be a time to relax and have fun, but sometimes things don’t go as planned. One of the worst things that can happen is a dental emergency while you’re away from home.

Vacations often involve indulging in delicious, sometimes unfamiliar foods and engaging in activities that might put your teeth at risk. Biting into hard candies, ice, or even crunchy snacks can cause teeth to chip or crack.  Enjoying lots of sugary snacks and drinks can lead to toothaches, especially if you already have cavities or sensitive teeth.

Engaging in sports, adventurous activities, or even just slipping by the pool can lead to dental injuries like knocked-out teeth or cuts inside the mouth. It’s easy to get out of routine when you’re on vacation, which might mean not brushing or flossing as regularly as you should. This can lead to plaque buildup and other issues.

Remedies to Deal Dental Issues

Sometimes, you can manage minor dental problems on your own until you can get emergency dentist. Here are three remedies for common dental issues:

1.   Temporary Filling Material

If you lose a filling or have a chipped tooth, a temporary filling material can help protect the tooth and reduce sensitivity.

You can buy temporary dental filling materials from a pharmacy. Follow the instructions on the package to fill the cavity or cover the chipped area. This is just a temporary fix, so see a dentist as soon as possible.

2.   Saltwater Rinse

For minor cuts, sores, or irritation in the mouth, a saltwater rinse can help reduce pain and prevent infection.

Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. Rinse your mouth with the solution for about 30 seconds and spit it out. Repeat a few times a day.

3.   Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

For toothaches or pain from minor injuries, over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help.

Follow the dosage instructions on the medication packaging. Remember, this is a temporary solution to manage pain until you can see a dentist.

When It’s Time to Call an Emergency Dentist

Dealing with a dental emergency while on vacation is no fun, but knowing how to manage minor issues and when to seek help can make a big difference. Some dental issues require emergency dental attention. Here are five reasons to call an emergency dentist:

●    Knocked-Out Tooth

If a tooth gets knocked out, it’s crucial to see a dentist immediately. There’s a better chance of saving the tooth if you get help within an hour. Keep the tooth moist and try to place it back in the socket if possible, or keep it in milk until you reach a dentist.

●    Broken or Cracked Tooth

A broken or cracked tooth can cause significant pain and lead to further damage if not treated promptly. Call a dentist to get it assessed and repaired.

●    Swelling and Abscesses

Swelling in the mouth or face, or an abscess indicates a serious infection. This can spread quickly and become life-threatening, so seek immediate dental care.

●    Uncontrolled Bleeding

If you have a dental injury that results in uncontrolled bleeding, it’s essential to get emergency help. Apply gentle pressure with a clean cloth and head to the dentist or emergency room.